My husband Brent and I love to travel and have made it our life goal to visit as many of the continents as possible….we have a long way to go!

I work for a national firm as a trainer, facilitator and coach and this requires extensive travel throughout Canada. One of the challenges of travelling for a vegan is finding food that you can eat that is nutritious and delicious. At one point in my travels, I was thinking of calling this blog…foraging for food!

As I have been living this experience I thought to myself, there must be other people like me, and I decided to share some of the things I have learned over the past few years. In addition, I plan to highlight any restaurants that I visit in my travels in Canada and other countries that are vegan friendly that you might like.

It can be done. It takes some planning and a bit of flexibility. Mostly you have to see it as a bit of adventure and discover what will work for you. If you encounter great vegan friendly restaurants or would like to share some tips, let me know…I’m also looking for new options and ideas.

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The Vegan Traveller
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