Sesame Covered Tofu
Fun sesame covered tofu with spicy mayo dipping sauce.

Sesame Covered Tofu

Sesame Covered Tofu is a beautiful thing….literally! Especially if you mix up the black and white seeds you can do some cool patterns.

The next best thing about Sesame Covered Tofu is the taste – soooo yummy, we marinate the tofu first. My final favourite thing about the Sesame Covered Tofu is the crunch – the sesame seeds add so much texture to your dish.

I bought these really cool little white dishes at a second hand store and knew that I would find a way to use them for some dish I would create some day. I love little dishes and special plates and I love second hand stores and garage sales too! My husband is pretty good about supporting me and my habit of finding little treasures.

Ok let’s focus, after all you probably want to know how to make these little beauties….

Sesame Covered Tofu

Sesame Covered Tofu
Sesame Covered Tofu

A very common story in our house, making what we can out of what we have in the fridge and cupboards…so I had some tofu and I had some sesame seeds and I was hungry.

First thing I did was to marinade the tofu and let that sit for a couple hours.

After it marinated, I coated each piece of tofu in the sesame seeds,  some them in black,  some in the white, and the rest in a mixture of the two. Next I baked the tofu squares in the oven, made a little dip, some veggies and rice. Bam! I had a beautiful meal.

I accompanied my Sesame Covered Tofu with a Spicy Mayo Dipping Sauce (recipe below)

What you’ll need for your  Sesame Covered Tofu:

  • One block Organic Firm Pressed No GMO Tofu

    Sesame Covered Tofu
    Organic Tofu non GMO is best

For the marinade:

  • 4-6 T Bragg Soy Seasoning

    Sesame Covered Tofu
    Bragg Liquid Soy Seasoning – Love this stuff!
  • 2-4 T Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1 knob of ginger, minced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, sliced thin
  • 1-2 T maple syrup (optional)

For the coating:

  • 1 pkg raw white and black sesame seeds, pour onto separate plates about 1/3 c at a time
    Sesame Covered Tofu
    Black sesame seeds – a nice finish to many dishes

    Sesame Covered Tofu
    One plate with black sesame seeds, the other with white

For the spicy mayo dipping sauce:

  • 1/3 c of vegan mayo
    Sesame Covered Tofu
    Creamy homemade mayo – recipe in the blog

    Sesame Covered Tofu
    Or use store bought vegan mayo. One of our favourites is Vegenaise
  • 4 T Sriracha sauce (use more or less based on your own preferences for heat)
  1. Basically stir the ingredients together till smooth and well mixed, taste, adjust to your desired taste. Let it sit in the fridge for an hour or so for the flavours to really integrate.

    Sesame Covered Tofu
    Spicy Mayo Dipping Sauce

How to make your Sesame Covered Tofu:

  1. Pre heat oven to 400°
  2. Cover cookie sheet with parchment paper

    Sesame Covered Tofu
    Tofu marinating in Bragg Soy Seasoning ginger, garlic and balsamic vinegar
  3. Drain your tofu and cut into squares, about 2 x 2, really whatever size you want is perfect
  4. Put all ingredients for the marinade in a seal proof container that will be able to fit the marinade and the tofu
  5. Whisk the ingredients up and mix the marinade well, pour it into your container
  6. Place you pieces of tofu in the marinade, coat each side with the marinade. Cover and leave in the fridge up to 24 hours. Shake it up and turn it over once in awhile to be sure the marinade is getting on every piece of tofu relatively equally
  7. Pour about 3/4 of a cup of each type of sesame seeds on a separate plate, ready for coating, add more as needed
  8. Take each piece of tofu and roll it into the colour of seeds you want, try to cover all sides completely (as possible). I coated some pieces of tofu in all white, some in all black and some in a combination of the two. I think it gives a bit more of a dramatic effect on the dish.
  9. Have fun, go crazy, anything goes.

    Sesame Covered Tofu
    Having a bit of fun with the coatings! I decided to go with one black, one white and one mixed. Cook till the tofu is heated and hopefully you get a bit of colour on the seeds too!
  10. Place the coated tofu on the parchment paper and bake for about 20 minutes, really depends on how big your pieces are. You can the seeds to start to turn a bit golden (light though, you want to be sure the tofu is still moist inside).
  11. While the tofu is baking, prepare your dipping sauce by combining the Sriracha Sauce and Vegan Mayo. Mix them up well and let sit.
  12. When you tofu is ready, serve with the dipping sauces and some veggies and rice. Perfect!
  13. Tip. For store bought mayo I like Vegenaise and for homemade I have an amazing recipe on my blog under the sauce tab or use the search feature to locate quickly.

PS I have two other recipes on the blog, one with pumpkin seeds and one with Panko crumbs, lots of ways to make tofu fun and tasty!

Sesame Covered Tofu
Add some veggies and salad and Bam you have an awesome meal. We had some sweet potato and cream corn too. Perfect.
Sesame Covered Tofu
One more look at these tasty little bites of tofu. A winner.
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