Emerging vegans…this page is just for you and includes all of the vegan essentials for your fridge and pantry!! It is daunting when you start transitioning to the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle. One thing I hear a lot….
“I want/tried to be a vegan/vegetarian and it was so hard to know what to cook…or to get enough protein….I miss cheese….I can’t give up ______ ” (fill in the blank).
All true! And all not true…there are so many sources of protein, substitution is the name of the game; the options and resources out there now are endless!!
My desire is to support you in your transition, whether its starting with a Meatless Monday or a full on vegan lifestyle. You can do it, I am here to help. It is the reason I started this blog in the first place. Everywhere I went people we curious and they had a lot of questions.
I’m sure I’ve missed some things and at the same time you do not need to go out and buy everything on this list at once!!! Build your fridge and pantry over time. Start simple and go from there. Have fun! Experiment! You will be helping yourself, the environment and all those beautiful animals! Lots of LOVE for everyone!
OK now that all important vegan essentials shopping list….
Usually I browse through my cookbooks, or find a good recipe or look at one of favourite websites, One Green Planet (OGP) http://www.onegreenplanet.org/ , and I think to myself, I want to try that out! Then I see what I have in the cupboard and what I need and head out to the grocery store to get what I am missing. I also do a lot of substituting, sometimes a trip to the grocery store is just not in the cards that day.

One thing you will find is that you will need to read a lot of labels on packaged foods….they slip in a lot of non vegan contents in many simple processed food. There is a saying, anything with one ingredient is the way to go.
I bet you are going to have a lot of these items in your house right now. This is a very comprehensive vegan essentials list…just in case. Always buy the best quality you can afford, shop local, buy fresh produce, even better grow your own!
I’ve also included links to many websites that will provide you with indepth information on a variety of subjects related to the vegan lifestyle. Have fun, food is supposed to be fun and creative!
Dairy Substitutes
Almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, cashew milk….many options to choose from! Non dairy milk – there are so many options these days…Almond Milk, Soy Milk, Cashew Milk, Coconut Milk. We use mostly almond milk and soy milk.
Cheese – you can make a variety of vegan cheese or buy some from the store. I like the Daiya brand – its gluten free too! Cheese – the two cheeses that I buy from the store are Daiya (shreds and blocks) and Tofutti (cream cheese). I also make a coconut milk Gouda cheese that is really good. Recipe on the blog. I will be experimenting with a lot more cheese recipes in the future. Keep posted for updates. http://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-recipe/10-vegan-cheeses-that-will-knock-your-socks-off/
I love my Tofutti Sour Cream and Cream Cheese! Sour Cream – Toffuti
- Vegan friendly butter/margarine – my two favourite brands are Earth Balance and Becel’s Vegan option. Try them out and see which one you like.
Egg Substitutes

There are so many things you can use for egg substitutes, banana, apple sauce, chia seeds (soaked in water), flax….here is a great link that will tell you all about it! http://www.organicauthority.com/health/egg-substitutes-vegan-baking.html
Protein Sources
Lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas….so many awesome dry beans that you’ll need to soak and cook….you can also buy them in the hand cans, ready to go…all great protein substitutes. Chickpeas
Beans, lentils, chickpeas in a can. Many brands and low sodium options. Beans….any type will do. I especially like black beans, fava beans, white beans, kidney beans, and edamame.
- Lentils – so good http://www.onegreenplanet.org/tag/vegan-lentil-recipes
- Split Peas
- Hemp hearts
- Quinoa
- Tempeh – a nutty protein, so good! http://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/tempting-tempeh-recipes/
Tofu is a great protein option and can be used in many ways. Have a look at the link in this doc to see which type to use when. Tofu – lots of types for lots of dishes….http://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/tips-that-will-make-you-love-tofu/
- Nuts – we use a lot of nuts especially raw cashew nuts, http://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-recipe/unbelievable-recipes-made-with-cashews/
- Other nuts, raw almond, walnuts, macadamia, pecans
- Seeds – raw and unsalted are best, pumpkin and sunflower are two we use the most
- Pinenuts – make amazing vegan Pesto – check out my blog for a great recipe for Pesto
- Chia seeds – great for a thicken, egg replacer and a breakfast cereal
- Protein bars – there are a lot out there, check to see if they are vegan and also the fat content can be really high. I try to go with high protein content, low fat content…you’ll need to read some labels
More Protein Sources

Soy – there are so many processed soy products in the grocery store now that taste great. It takes a while to change your taste buds to appreciate the flavours – at first I thought I lot of this stuff was gross, now I like the flavour just fine. For soy read up on how to cook it, what type to use for different purposes and marinating it will really make a difference. You’ll be able to find a great selection in your neighbourhood grocery store. We don’t eat a lot of this type of food as we try to stay away from a lot of processed foods in general.
Vegan protein powder, I take protein powder with me on the road as that will be the most challenging thing for me to find. My go to brand is Vega, I love the berry the best. I like it with a bit of fruit and almond milk in the blender. Yum! http://myvega.com/
Vegetables and Fruit

All vegetables contain protein too….they are a great source of protein and other valuable nutrients and fibre for you body. Everyday we start out with a vegetable and fruit smoothie with a little almond milk. Different every day and always delicious. Check out this great resource on this subject http://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/vegetables-high-in-protein.php
Not sure what to buy organic? Check out this list from Kris Carr’s blog http://kriscarr.com/blog/when-should-you-buy-organic/
When you MUST buy organic:
1. celery
2. peaches
3. strawberries
4. apples
5. domestic blueberries
6. nectarines
7. sweet bell peppers
8. spinach, kale and collard greens
9. cherries
10. potatoes
11. imported grapes
12. lettuce
When you can skip it:
1. onions
2. avocados
3. sweet corn
4. pineapples
5. mangoes
6. sweet peas
7. asparagus
8. kiwi fruit
9. cabbage
10. eggplant
11. cantaloupe
12. watermelon
13. grapefruit
14. sweet potatoes
15. sweet onions
Some of our go to vegetables include:
Asparagus….such a treat. Definitely one of our favourites! I wait till they are in season and the price is good and go to town! Portobello mushrooms, really any type of mushroom
- Zucchini
- Kale
- Spinach
- Peppers of all types
- Onions, red, yellow, sweet, green…they are all good
- Carrots
- Peas
- Edamame
- Beets
- Swiss chard
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Tomatoes
- Squash – all types
- Corn
- Potatoes
- Artichokes – I usually have a jar or two around
Avocado can add flavour and a creamy texture to sandwiches, wraps, deserts and so much more. I always have a few on hand…they don’t last long! Avocado – you can add this baby to salads, wraps, sandwiches, smoothies, desserts, so good!
Fruits – we love our fruits and try to go with what’s in season. If we can get a good deal on fresh fruits, we buy a case or two and freeze the fruit for the winter when they are harder to find. Buy organic whenever possible.

Our go to fruits
- Bananas
- Pineapple
- Apples – so many varieties!
- Blueberries – we have frozen berries all the time to add to our smoothies
- Oranges
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Kiwi
Other must haves
Nutritional yeast is often used added to dishes to give it that cheesy flavour. I love to sprinkle mine on popcorn too! Nutritional yeast – a great substitute for cheese and I love it on my popcorn – my addiction!
- Olive oil and coconut oil are a must
- Butter substitute – our two favourite brands are Earth Balance and Becel Vegan
- Cheese – I’ve found the best store bought cheese is Daiya, I love their shredded version and their blocks
- Cream Cheese – the Tofutti Brand is awesome
- Sour Cream – Tofutti!
- Coconut milk – we put this stuff in everything! Coconut milk is awesome in stir fry, smoothies…http://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-recipe/tasty-ways-to-use-coconut-milk-in-your-dairy-free-recipes/
- Maple syrup for sweetening most things
- Popcorn – I love my hot air popper popcorn – my go to snack
- Nut butter – we like raw peanut butter and almond butter
- Tahini
- Hot sauce
Vegenaise is an excellent substitute for mayo which has eggs in it. There are a few brands, this is my go to brand. Veganeanise
Humus buy it in the store or make your own. The sky is the limit in terms of creativity and flavours – really anything goes! Humus – usually I make my own, you can get really creative
- Pasta – usually go with the gluten free pasta – Costco has an Edamame and Bean gluten free pasta that is great
- Pasta sauce – again I prefer to make my own, make up a big pot and then freeze for later
Ice cream…who doesn’t love it? This was a hard one for me to give up. Then I discovered Coconut Milk Ice cream and I have never looked back. It is delicious and comes in many flavours. Ice cream – coconut ice cream is my favourite and Bliss is my favourite brand. Yum Soymilk ice cream is good to. This is one thing I am going to learn to make. Check out the recipe on my blog for vegan fudgicles….so good!!
- Raisins – organic for sure
- Medjool Dates
- Olives – http://www.seriouseats.com/2014/09/guide-to-olive-varieties.html
- Rice – we love all types of rice. Recently we invested in a rice cooker, pretty cheap and use it almost daily
- Wraps – my husband loves throwing anything into a wrap, makes a very portable meal! Add in some humus or avocado for flavour and moisture, grilled vegetables are awesome too!
- Flour – there are many great flours out there now and flour substitues, gluten free and non gluten free – http://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/make-better-choices-healthy-alternatives-to-white-flour/
- Jam or jelly
- Oatmeal
- Cracker – I love Mary’s Flax Crackers
- Bread – buy the best bread you can afford, sprouted grain or gluten free nut bread
- Balsamic vinegar
- Wine vinegar
- Pickles
- Condiments – mustard (make sure it is vegan), ketchup, relish
Seasoning – when you are vegan you use a lot of spices…so of the must haves are
- Ginger (fresh and dry)
- Garlic
- Hot sauce
- Cayenne Pepper
- Chipotle Spice
- Basil – I grow some in the summer, next year I will put in about 10 plants and dehydrate my own
- Oregano
- Spike – if you’ve never used spike, you gotta get some. Love it on most veggies and of course on my popcorn!
- Thai Curry Paste – Vegan
Bragg Soy Seasoning is just like Soy Sauce…just a little bit better for you. We love it and use it in many recipes and of course on rice. Bragg Soy Seasoning or other Soy Sauce
- Curry powder
- Cumin
- Turmeric
- Onion powder
- Garlic powder
- Bay leaves
- Nutmeg
- Cinnamon
Well friends that is a pretty big list of vegan essentials. There really are so many options. Start small, substituting a few things at a time and before you know it your fridge and pantry will be completely vegan friendly. You will be too!
Any questions, please ask!
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