Sweet Savoury Plum Chutney Sweet Savoury Plum Chutney! That sounds interesting, right? I thought so too and besides we had about 1000 plums from our trees – it was a bumper crop year and we needed to do something with
Sweet Savoury Plum Chutney

Sweet Savoury Plum Chutney Sweet Savoury Plum Chutney! That sounds interesting, right? I thought so too and besides we had about 1000 plums from our trees – it was a bumper crop year and we needed to do something with
Vegans for Dinner – What to Do! Vegans for Dinner – What to Do! Everyone has a vegan friend, at least one I hope. Do you want to have your vegan friends over for dinner and you just are not sure
Vegan Outdoor Eating – 10 Options Vegan Outdoor Eating – 10 Options. Ok, maybe a few more than 10 but hey, who’s counting? If you make some of the dishes we make when we are camping, you will be the envy
Vegan Pizza Vegan Pizza is the best. I mean pizza is the best….OK vegan pizza is the very best mostly because no one had to be hurt in the making of it. I love that part. If you are a
Roasted Holiday Cauliflower with Braised Kale Roasted Holiday Cauliflower with Braised Kale? What do vegans eat for the holidays? Well we usually have Tofurky style dinner with all the fixings and this year we are taking a different approach. I saw
Emerging vegans…this page is just for you and includes all of the vegan essentials for your fridge and pantry!! It is daunting when you start transitioning to the vegan/vegetarian lifestyle. One thing I hear a lot…. “I want/tried to be