Puff pastry, well it’s just fun. Fun to play with and fun to eat. I’ve got two awesome recipes for you to try with puff pastry; one is sweet and the other savoury! Yes, you can buy vegan puff pastry,
Sweet and Savoury Puff Pastry Tarts!

Puff pastry, well it’s just fun. Fun to play with and fun to eat. I’ve got two awesome recipes for you to try with puff pastry; one is sweet and the other savoury! Yes, you can buy vegan puff pastry,
Raw Vegan Carrot Cake Raw Vegan Carrot Cake. Oh my, I wanted to make something sweet for Easter dinner and did I ever. I remembered that when I was taking my culinary program through Rouxbe.com that there was this carrot
Raw Vegan Salted Caramel Chocolate Squares Raw Vegan Salted Caramel Chocolate Squares are delicious! This recipe is a slight adaptation from the recipe created by @thehealthybeard He has graciously allowed me to share his recipe with you on my blog.
Vegan Cherry Ginger Strudel Feel like making something kind of tangy and kind of sweet? Make Vegan Cherry Ginger Strudel! This recipe fits the bill and everyone will love it! Saw this on Facebook and thought I want to veganzie