Sweet Vegan Cinnamon Muffins

Sweet Vegan Cinnamon Muffins are ridiculous! I mean absolutely ridiculously good. I made a batch, left them to cool and came out and half of them were gone. The only people in the kitchen was my husband (who swore he only had a small piece) and my daughter Meg (who does have a sweet tooth). I didn’t even have time to take a proper picture!
Now, I have to warn you…these muffins are not for those who have challenges or health issues around sugar – they are full of sugar. Know that going in, cause once you make them, you are definitely going to eat them! They are super simple to make. Its two components, the base and you the topping. That’s it.
I want to give a shout out to IG@kalejunkie for the basic recipe for the muffins. Brilliant. I veganized it, added a couple ingredients and made it my own. I hope you do the same.
If you love chocolate and sweet desserts, let’s get going, this is the dessert for you….
Sweet Vegan Cinnamon Muffins

Sweet Vegan Cinnamon Muffins are pretty easy to make. As always, I recommend getting all your ingredients prepped and in individual bowls, it makes the execution of the recipe soooo easy. It also takes care of the “oh I am missing one important ingredient” ….after you mixed everything up scenario! Yeah, you know what I’m talking about.
Once you prep all your ingredients, you will be making two components, the base (the muffin part) and the topping (the sweet gooey part). Last step is to layer the two components in the muffin tins. This recipe made 12 muffins and a small cake too. Next time I make them, I am going to make them little wee muffins, just the right amount of sweetness, for sure.
What you’ll need for the BASE for the Sweet Vegan Cinnamon Muffins
- 1 c coconut flour
Everything prepped and ready to make the two components. My chia is ground, soaked and jelled. I love walnuts and sweet together. The best combo. Chocolate almond milk and a bit of ground coffee take this to the next level. Coconut flour – very different and super sweet! - 8 chia eggs (8 T of chia seed, ground and soaked in water, more directions below)
- 24 T of water (to make the chia egg)
- 1 t sea salt
- 1 t baking soda
- 1 c chocolate almond milk
- 1 T ground coffee
- 1 c maple syrup

What you’ll need for the TOPPING for the Sweet Vegan Cinnamon Muffins
- 6 T cinnamon
- ½ c maple syrup
- 4 T coconut oil, melted
- 1 c chocolate chips
- 1 c chopped walnuts
- 1/3 c cran-raisins and pumpkin seed mixed together
How to make your Sweet Vegan Cinnamon Muffins
- Pre heat oven to 375
- Measure all your ingredients and put into bowls, so much easier this way
- Line muffin tins with muffin liners – I made 12 muffins and one round loaf (I lined my pan with parchment paper)
- Mix all toppings together (leave a few chocolate chips aside for the top) Set aside for later
Yep that’s maple syrup…I warned you it was sweet! Coconut flour – pure magic and sweetness - Grind chia seed in your coffee grinder, put the ground chia in a bowl
- Add in 3 T of water to the ground chia, one for every T of chia seed, mix well, set aside. This will gel. Make sure there are no lumps when you mix the chia with water. Add a bit more water if you need to make the chia smooth.
- Mix all the other base ingredients when the chia has gelled, add in the chia to this mixture. Mix ingredients till smooth.
Now you are ready to assemble your muffins for the oven
- Spoon in one Tablespoon of the base mixture into each muffin tin and spread a layer about 1/2 thick on the bottom of your loaf pan
- Sprinkle 1 t of the topping mix onto each muffin tin base and spread evenly, put some on the loaf pan too.
- Distribute the remainder of the base mixture to each muffin tin and loaf, spread mixture, fill to just below the lip of the muffin paper
- Spoon the remaining topping evenly on the muffins and the loaf. I think you are starting to get the picture, right?
- Sprinkle with a few more chocolate chips, as if it wasn’t sweet enough already!
- Bake in the oven for about 35-40 minutes. Maybe even 45 minutes. I put my oven on convection for the last five minutes. It really depends on your oven and the size of muffins you are making. Your knife should come clean when you check them. Remember the chocolate chips will be gooey. Its the base layer that needs to be cooked.
- Remove when done and cool on a rack.
Chocolate is melted, ready to cool and then yes of course, we have to test them!
I decided to take things up a notch with the ones that were left over. I cut them in half and put a slab of Coconut Bliss Ice Cream in the middle. Soooo decadent, so delicious….its hard to stop eating them.

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