Hey there! Have you ever made SPAGHETTI SQUASH Boats? Well, that’s what I like to call them. If you think of a better name, let me know.
Grab an organic spaghetti squash at the market or from your garden and make this fun and delicious meal. Cook the squash, prep the ingredients, load up the cooked squash and pop it back in the oven. You can serve it right out of the squash shell – how cool that it makes its own dish too!
The thing with these spaghetti boats, is you can put anything in for ingredients. Once I made mine kind of like a pizza with pepperoni and green olives. Next time I used peas with sausage and jalapeno, really anything goes. Here is what I did….

What you will need for your Spaghetti Squash Boats
- One spaghetti squash (good for two people)
- 2-3 cups of cheese sauce, depending on how big the squash is (bought or homemade) I have a ton of cheese sauce recipes on my blog if you want to make your own…. Making your own is the best, IMHO.

Toppings can include and are not limited to….
- 2 Beyond Meat Sausages, sauteed and sliced or Pepperoni slices, your choice (cut into pieces)
- Green or black olives, ½ cup sliced or whole, your choice
- Peas, blanch and put in a cold bath to keep the beautiful colour
- Pickled jalapeno, 2 Tablespoons, chopped

How to prepare your Spaghetti Squash Boats
- Carefully cut the spaghetti squash in half and remove the seeds
- Add a sprinkle of oil, salt and pepper (optional)
- Place the uncooked squash right side up and bake in a hot oven (400) till done. Don’t overcook.
- Remove and slightly cool, use a fork to shred squash strands. Leave the squash in the shell
- Pour in some cheese sauce, I made mine and have several recipes for cheese sauce on this blog
- Add in your toppings and more cheese sauce. Make sure you use more sauce than you think you will need. It will get soaked up. You should be able to see the sauce at the top of the squash once its wiggled its way in between the ingredients and the shredded squash.
- Pop everything back in the oven at 400 degrees till bubbly and done.
- Enjoy!

Spaghetti Squash Boats
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