Sesame Covered Eggplant
Sesame covered eggplant, wow so tasty and good for you too!
When we were travelling in Vietnam we found this amazing vegan friendly restaurant in Hanoi, The Aubergine Cafe. We loved it so much we went there several times and they always came through with flying colours.
Although they had many non vegan dishes, they understood our needs and made sure that all of our dishes were totally vegan friendly. The place is usually packed, both floors as we were not the only people in Hanoi who loved their food and the family orientation of the restaurant.
One of the dishes I loved and had a couple times was the sesame covered eggplant. Yum! Really you could make this with zucchini, sweet potato..let your imagination go wild. I serve them with some type of hot sauce or hot dip. Recipe below.
Sound fantastic! Keep reading to learn how easy it is to make…….
Sesame Covered Eggplant
What you’ll need for the eggplant
- Eggplant – one medium sliced
- Salt (optional step)
- Sesame seeds – 1/2 to 1 c (depends on how big the eggplant is)
That’s it!
How to make the Sesame Covered Eggplant
- Pre heat oven to 400°
- Slice eggplant into 1/4 inch rounds (I leave the skin on)
- Once sliced I sprinkle salt on the eggplant and place it in a strainer over a bowl. This will draw out some of the moisture of the eggplant. Let sit for 1/2 to 1 hour
Sliced eggplant, salted and left in strainer to remove excess moisture. Remember to rinse after sitting for about 1/2 hour - Rinse the salt off the eggplant slices and pat them dry with a clean towel
Dry off rinsed slices with a clean tea towel to remove excess water. - Pour sesame seeds onto a plate
- Press eggplant rounds into the sesame seeds, both sides. Sometimes I spoon them on and then press and let the loose ones fall off.
Press eggplant into each piece, both sides. Excess will fall off. - Place each sesame covered round onto a cookie sheet. I like to put parchment paper on the cookie sheet first. (clean up is so easy)
Eggplant slices covered in sesame seeds – both sides. Place on parchment paper on a cookie tray. Ready for the oven. - Once all pieces are covered, place cookie sheet into the oven. It will take about 10-12 minutes on each side. Keep an eye on them so they don’t burn. Should be golden brown.
Hot sauce/dip
What you’ll need:
- Veganiase 1/4 to 1/2 cu
- Hot sauce or chipolte spice (your choice)
How to make your hot sauce
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