Reusable Veggie Bags – Flip and Tumble – Product Review

Reusable Veggie Bags – Flip and Tumble – Product Review. On my last Giveaway, I partnered with Flip and Tumble to giveaway 25 reusable veggie bags to two people. Thanks @flipandtumble, keep up the awesome work! I bought some of their veggie bags off Amazon and thought they were fantastic. I thought you might like some too. I’m so pleased that they partnered with me on this GIVEAWAY – cool company, cool giveaway.
This is a great product as it represents yet another thing we can all do to contribute to a better environment overall. The biggest impact you can ever have as an individual is to GO VEGAN, the second is all the little changes we can make in our lives to live a little friendlier on the planet and leave a smaller footprint.

I’ve got a long way to to on this front. One step at a time. I’m a work in progress.
A story. When my husband Brent and I go grocery shopping, I want to put the fresh veggies straight into the cart and use no bags. He on the other hand thinks that is wrong and goes behind me bagging veggies. I say “please we don’t need to use these plastic bags”, he would say, “its not right to not bag your veggies”. (is that a double negative?).
With reusable veggie bags, we both get our needs met and I think overall this option is way better for the environment than millions of plastic bags.
Now I haven’t had these bags that long, about a month and I’ve put them in the washer and hung to dry (as I do with most things) and they been back and forth to the grocery store several times. They are standing up well so far.
I like that the have drawstring that is easy to use to open and close the bags. They are just the right size for most fruits and veggies, are easy to fill, lightweight, durable, double stitched, basically cool and functional. I’m loving them! Check them out, info below.

For 20% off your first order (till the end of May, 2018) use the code GOVEGAN20
Link to the site to here
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