Raw Vegan Salted Caramel Chocolate Squares
Raw Vegan Salted Caramel Chocolate Squares are delicious!
This recipe is a slight adaptation from the recipe created by @thehealthybeard He has graciously allowed me to share his recipe with you on my blog. Thanks! Follow him on Instagram or check out his blog for more amazing recipes @ https://thehealthybeard.net/
This recipe is one of my new go to desserts. These squares are so good you will have to stop yourself from eating the whole batch at once!
I whipped up some sweet cashew cream to top off my squares, the recipe for it is also below.
Ok, you are really going to want to make this one…..
To make your Raw Vegan Salted Caramel Chocolate Squares
Basically you are going to make 3 layers for this dessert. I also made raw cashew cream that I sweetened with Maple Syrup to go on top of the squares.
For each of the layers, you will need to soak some dates, you might as well do that all at the same time. I used Medjool dates…in my mind they are the best.
You will also need at square pan, thus the name squares…hey I just figured that out!!
What you’ll need for the base:
- 1 c of raw cashew nuts – any type of raw nuts will work. The second time I tried the recipe I used a combo of cashew nuts and raw macadamia nuts and added a bit of coconut too. Use your imagination!
Medjool dates soaking – you will do this 3 times, two in cold water, one in hot. Remember to remove the pits! - 3/4 c of Medjool dates – soaked in cold water
How to make the base for your squares:
- Place the nuts into food processor and grind up into small pieces. Next add your soaked, and drained dates (remember to take the pits out first)
- Once the dates and nuts are mixed into small pieces transfer your mixture to an 8 x 8 cake pan.
Mixing up your base. Start with the nuts, when they are blended add your dates. Press the base into your pan till firm and even. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the freezer while you make the 2nd layer. - Spread the mixture till it firm, flat and even. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the freezer.
- Start on your second layer while it is in the freezer.
For the salty caramel layer you will need:
- 3/4 c of Medjool dates – soaked in hot water, this will make them a bit mushier and you’ll end up with a caramel like consistency
- 2 t of sea salt You could add a bit more if you want it to be really salty. I found 2 teaspoons to be perfect
- 5 T of melted coconut oil
How to make the middle layer of salty caramel:
- Rinse out your food processor and add in the dates that have been soaked in hot water. Remember, be sure the pits are removed first.
Mixing up the second layer – gooey salted caramel Spread your caramel mixture evenly over the base layer. Cover the second layer and pan with plastic wrap and freeze while you make the chocolate top layer - Add in the salt and coconut oil and process until you get a rich caramel consistency.
- Take the base out of the freezer and evenly spread your layer of salted caramelon the base.
- Cover in plastic wrap and place back in the freezer while you make the top.
What you will need for the top layer of chocolate:
- 3/4 c of Medjool dates – soaked in cold water (remember to remove the pits)
- 2 heaping T of cacao powder or you can use regular dark chocolate powder
Mixing up the top layer. Forms a ganache type consistency in the food processor. - 1/4 c of melted coconut oil
- Raw cacao nibs or other chocolate bits to put on top after you have spread the chocolate layer on your squares
Optional – sprinkle dark chocolate bits or cacao chips on the top layer. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and place back in freezer till ready to serve.
How to make the top layer of chocolate for your squares:
- Rinse out your food processor and add in the dates, cacao or chocolate powder and melted coconut oil.
- Process until they turn into a ganache (smooth and thick) mixture. I had to scrape the sides of my processor several times.
- Spread this mixture evenly on top to the first two layers.
- Add a few chocolate chips or cacao nibs to the top of your square if desired.
- Cover the cake again and place back in the freezer.
- I took mine out when I wanted to serve, warmed it up a bit, cut out the number of squares I wanted and put it back in the freezer.
- Let it warm up a bit and serve with cashew cream if you like. I found the squares to be quite rich and the cashew cream helped to mellow out the flavours.
The finished product with cashew cream sweetened with Maple Syrup. Absolutely delightful!
Cashew Cream for the top when you serve
What you’ll need for your cashew cream:
- 1 c of raw cashews soaked for a couple hours in hot water
- 1-2 T of Maple Syrup
- 1 t vanilla
How to make your cashew cream:
- Put all your ingredients in the blender and blend till creamy smooth. Taste and add more syrup if it is not sweet enough. Remember the squares are very rich you won’t need much Maple Syrup.
One more gorgeous shot of this beautiful dessert. Raw, vegan and delicious!
To serve, cut a small square about 2 x 2 and add a couple Tablespoons of the cashew cream on top. Delicious!
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