Bliss Bites Product Review

Bliss Bites Raw Vegan Treats. When the lovely people from Bliss Bites contacted me to see if I would want to try their raw vegan treats and if I liked them, to let you know! So that is exactly what I am doing.

These little nuggets of goodness are amazing. They were delivered to me in a cool green thermal type bag with instructions to throw them in the freezer asap. They also told me it was ok if the package had thawed a bit, just put them in the freezer and they would be ok.
Now I was pretty lucky……..
Bliss Bites Product Review

Bliss Bites Raw Vegan Treats. As I was just saying, I was pretty luck because the people at Trulee (they make Bliss Bites) sent me several flavours to try, six in fact. I was one happy vegan. Until I ate them all, then I was one sad vegan. I need more!
I threw them in the freezer and over a period of time, I tried each flavour. Each flavour package has four bliss bites and they are the absolute perfect size for a quick pick me up energy wise or just cause you want something sweet and if it could be healthy too, that would be awesome!
The other thing I like about Bliss Bites is the story behind their creation. Visit the home of Bliss Bites and find out more for yourself.

These little bites of goodness are vegan, gluten free and raw. Perfect in every way. Its exactly the kind of snack I like to have around….healthy, quick, tasty and satisfying. You really only need one, well maybe two, hey its ok, they are small.
Now the good news, if you want to try them and would like $10 off your first order, plus free shipping, use the code VEGANONTHEGO10
Product review number two. Done!
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