Ginger Soy Tempeh Stir-fry
Ginger Soy Tempeh Stir-fry. Sounds good doesn’t it?
My friend Mel was sharing a recipe that she made and I thought to myself (as usual) I bet that would really taste yummy if I veganized it! I love to veganize everything. Its amazing that almost any recipe now can be made vegan with a few small changes. Love it!
Well I was right. This is one of my favourite creations so far, if I do say so myself. The flavour was wonderful, lots of texture, a winner. So happy to be sharing it with you.
Now if you like ginger….
Ginger Soy Tempeh Stir-fry
This recipe has a number of parts, the sauce, the veggies for the stir fry, portobello mushrooms sauteed on the side and the rice vermicelli or regular rice (your choice).
Its best to cut everything up first. Get all the components measured, cut and ready to go. Once you’ve done that you will begin to cook and at the end it will all come together in one beautiful dish.
What you’ll need for your Ginger Soy Tempeh Stir-fry
- 2 T sesame oil
- 1 large onion chopped
- 4 cloves garlic
- 4 T minced ginger
- ¼ c balsamic vinegar
- 2 T Bragg Seasoning
- 2 T Maple Syrup
- 1 T miso paste
- ½ t red pepper flakes
- One package Tempeh (cut into bite sized cubes)
- 8 cups chopped veggies (kale, cabbage (red and green), brussel sprouts, and broccoli)
- ¼-1/2 c water
- 1-2 Portobello Mushrooms (sautéed separately with a little olive oil and a splash of Bragg Soy
Portobello Mushroom sliced and ready to go! Tempeh made from soy beans that have been fermented and pressed into a flat cake. Has a dense texture and nutty flavour. Delicious and good for you too! Seasoning, a sprinkle of salt and pepper) Cook to be ready about the same time as your stir-fry
- Cooked Brown rice Vermicelli or any pasta rice of your choice (cook to be ready about the time your stir fry will be done)
How to make
- Heat up a wok or large skillet add the sesame oil, heat until nice and hot
- Add in onion, garlic and ginger. Sauté until onion transparent
Onions, garlic and ginger sautéing in hot wok with sesame oil. - Add in balsamic vinegar, Bragg seasoning, Maple Syrup, Miso Paste and red pepper flakes
- Sauté for another five minutes, allowing the flavours to blend. Give it a taste, should have a bit of a kick to it…adjust the flavours as required.
- Add in cubed tempeh, stir into sauce and gently sauté two to three minutes
- Get your portobello mushrooms going you will want to give them a nice brown colour. Sauté them in 1-2 T of olive oil.
Portobello mushrooms sautéing in a separate pan. Add a splash of Bragg Soy Seasoning and sprinkle of salt and pepper for taste. - If you haven’t already cook your rice vermicelli or rice. Have it ready to go for when the veggies are ready. Cook as per instructions on package. Do not overcook vermicelli rice, will get mushy.
- Add in your chopped veggies, sauté until cooked the way you like them (I like my veggies a bit crunchy). You may need to add a bit of water to the sauce, not too much as the veggies will give off water too.
Chopped veggies introduced to the wok. Ummmm I bet you’re starting to get hungry! - Plate your dish, vermicelli/pasta/rice (your preference) on the bottom, stir fry next – add a bit of the sauce and top with the Portobello mushrooms.
- Serve it nice and hot…
Plate each dish separately for best results. Vermicelli rice on the bottom, next the stir fry and top with sautéed mushrooms. You can use chopsticks if you dare!
…..next time a might add a few bean sprouts at the last minute to the stir-fry and add a few pea shoots to the Portobello topping for more colour and texture. I know there will be a next time, I love this recipe. Hope you do too!
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