I recently saw this recipe for Double Baked Apples on Facebook in a short video . It looked like it would be fun to make and delicious to eat. The recipe was not vegan and I said to myself…”I am going to veganize this and make it”! I think I actually commented on Facebook that I was going to make it and shared with my friends too! So I had to do it!
Well, it was fun and easy and delicious!
Follow these simple steps and you can make Double Baked Apples for your friends and family. They will love you for it!
Double Baked Apples with Topping
This recipe has two parts…first the apples are prepared and basted and baked with a syrupy sauce. Then you remove them from the oven, add a topping and then put the apples back in the oven and bake them a second time.
What you’ll need for the first time you bake your apples:
- 2 fresh apples (ones that are good for baking…Granny Smith, Pink Lady…ask the produce guy/gal…they will know)
- 2 T melted vegan butter (Becel or Earth Balance)
- 1 t cinnamon
- 2 T brown sugar
What you’ll need for the Topping – second time you bake the apple
- 2 T frozen vegan butter (Becel or Earth Balance), put it in the fridge before you start so it will be frozen by the time you need it
- 6 T flour
- 2 T sugar
What you’ll need to serve your dessert
- Coconut milk ice cream (flavour of your choice, I like Bliss Coconut Ice cream)
How to make your delicious baked apples:
Prepare your apples for the first bake:
- Preheat oven to 400º
Mix together your syrup to pour on top of the apples for the first round of baking. Prepare your syrup for the first round of baking by combining your melted vegan butter with your brown sugar and cinnamon.
- Peel your apples and cut in half
- Core the apples with a melon baller, leaving the apple intact
- Place the apple down on a cutting board, flat side down
Peel, core and carefully cut your apples in slices about 1/4″. Make sure you don’t cut right through the apple. It needs to stay in one piece. Place flat side down on your baking dish. - Slice the apple into 1/4″ slices, go almost to the bottom of the apple. Do not cut right thru the apple!
Spoon your syrupy mixture over your prepared apples and pop into the oven for the first round of baking. Place the apples flat side down into a baking dish and cover with your syrupy sauce.
- Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes
- Prepare your topping while the apples bake the first time
- Take your apples out of the oven after 20 minutes
Apples finished first round of baking. The syrup mixture has started to caramelize. Ready for the flour topping.
Preparing the topping and baking the apples the second time:
- Increase temperature of the oven to 425º
- Prepare your topping for the second round of baking
- Take your frozen vegan butter out of the freezer and chop into little pieces, put the pieces in a small bowl
- Add your flour and sugar to the vegan butter and cut it with two knives. Like you do when you are making a pie crust.
Place your frozen vegan butter pieces, sugar and flour mixture in a bowl and cut up into little pieces with two knives. You want the butter to stay in little pieces and get coated and mixed up with the flour and sugar
Your flour mixture will look something like this when done. Ready to spoon over your baked apples. - Sprinkle your mixture of flour, vegan butter and sugar over the baked apples
Your once baked apples and flour mixture. Ready for to pop back in the oven. Remember to increase the oven temp to 425 - Put the apples back in the oven and bake for another 15 minutes
- Remove from the oven and place each apple onto a nice dessert dish for serving
Your double baked apples, ready to serve. Carefully use a lifter to remove each apple and transfer to a single serve dish. - Serve with coconut milk ice cream!

Does life get any better!!!
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