Cauliflower Steaks Piscou Sauce
Cauliflower Steaks Piscou Sauce. Everyone is into cauliflower these days, so healthy and satisfying.
Oh my, this dish is sooooo delicious too! I think I could eat it every day.
One really cool thing about cauliflower steaks is you can add any type of sauce and totally change the experience dramatically. You could add Pomodoro, Puttanesca, Thai or Mushroom sauce (a version of all of these recipes are on my blog). So many options.
Let’s make this yummy dish right now!
Cauliflower Steaks Piscou Sauce

Cauliflower Steaks with Piscou Sauce is fantastic! Quite simple to make and the flavours are out of this world. I’m so looking forward to trying this technique and other flavours to completely change the whole taste of the final dish. Maybe a Pomodoro or Putanessca sauce, or a sauce with Asian influences or a yummy mushroom sauce. The options are endless.
This recipe is from my training through Rouxbe.com If you are thinking of taking some chef training or speciality food training, check them out. Their learning platform is amazing https://rouxbe.com/
You will be preparing the cauliflower in two ways, first you will braise the cauliflower (cook it in flavoured liquid in the oven) and then you will give it some beautiful colour by popping the steaks in a hot pan and searing each side. Finally you will plate and finish with a delicious sauce, in this recipe we are using a really fresh and delicious sauce called Piscou Sauce.
We’ll start by preparing the cauliflower for the oven, while it is braising in the oven, we will make the Piscou Sauce. The cauliflower will be almost cooked and we will remove it from the oven, pat it dry and then saute in a hot pan to get some beautiful colour and more flavour. Finally you will plate and serve with the Piscou Sauce.
Follow the instructions below and you will be amazed at your own ability. Your family and friends will think you are a famous chef…that would be cool!

Below are two list of ingredients, one for the cauliflower steaks and one for the Piscou Sauce. Gather all your ingredients and prep everything for a smooth an worry free cooking experience.
What you’ll need to prepare your Cauliflower Steaks:
- 1 head cauliflower, leaves and stem trimmed, leave the core intact – this is what holds your steak together.
- If you have a large cauliflower, sit the cauliflower on its stem and cut in half through the middle. Trim the outer edge of each half to form a thick steak-like piece of cauliflower. Each piece should be approximately 1 ½ inches thick. You will get two steaks out of the middle of a large head, save all the leftover cauliflower for soup!
- I bought two smaller cauliflowers so made my steaks a bit thicker and only made one steak per cauliflower. I trimmed off both sides of the cauliflower to form the steaks
- 4 garlic cloves, peeled, minced and then squished to make a paste
- 1 lemon, juiced
- 2 ½ c vegetable broth
- ½ c dry white wine or apple juice or apple cider vinegar
- 2 T olive oil – always use a extra virgin cold pressed 100% olive oil, if possible
- 2 bay leaves
- ½ t sea salt (or to taste, depending on the saltiness of your stock)
Ok let’s get the cauliflower going….
- Preheat the oven to 350°F
Braising sauce is mixed together and the cauliflower steaks in the oven proof pan (with a lid). Ready to pop in the oven. - Mix together the garlic, lemon juice, broth, white wine/or alternative, olive oil, bay leaves and salt. The amount of salt will depend on how salty your stock is. Taste for seasoning and adjust as necessary.
- Add the mixture to a fairly deep baking pan, (you’ll need room for the liquid and the steaks). I use ceramic oven proof dish as it has a lid. You will need to cover your dish in the oven.
- Place your steaks into the pan and cover with the liquid. Cover and place in the oven to braise (baking in liquid). Cook till just about done, do not over cook. Approximately 30-40 minutes, depending on your oven and the size and thickness of the steaks. It should still be a bit firm when you stick a fork in the middle.
Let’s make the Pistou Sauce while the cauliflower is braising in the oven.

What you will need to make your Piscou Sauce:
- 2 oranges, peeled, segmented, give them a rough chop
- 1 lemon, juiced
- 1/3 c green olives (such as Mazanilla), pitted and given a rough chop
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1 T flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped
- 2 T golden raisins
- ¼ C extra virgin olive oil
- Sea salt, to taste
- Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- 2 T extra virgin olive oil (save to end for searing the steaks in a hot fry pan)
- Prep all your ingredients (oranges, lemon juice, olives, garlic, parsley, raisins, olive oil) and all them to a bowl.
- Mix gently till everything is coated.
- Add salt and pepper to taste.
- Set aside.
Second technique on the cauliflower steaks once they are almost cooked:
- Carefully remove your cauliflower steaks from the oven and place each steak on a clean t-towel or paper towel to get the liquid off the surface of the steaks. You may have to pat the steaks dry. This will ensure you get a nice golden finish to the steaks when you saute them.
Remove the steaks carefully from the oven and place on a t-towel and gently pat as dry as possible - Heat a fry pan to medium hot heat and add the oil, heat for a moment.
- Add the cauliflower to the pan and saute for about 4-5 minutes to golden brown, flip and repeat on the other side. Do not burn and do not overcook. Keep the steak intact.
Sear both sides for about 4-5 minutes on both sides. A beautiful golden brown. Make sure your pan is pretty hot.
Finishing the Cauliflower Steaks with Piscou Sauce:
- When the cauliflower steaks are cooked on both sides to a beautiful golden brown remove carefully and place on an individual serving plate.
- Top with Piscou Sauce and finish with additional salt and pepper if desired.
- Garnish with a bit more parsley if desired.


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