Crispy Spicy Rice Paper Strips Recipe
Crispy Spicy Rice Paper Strips…I think I’m in love.
For months I’ve heard and read and seen pictures of Crispy Spicy Rice Paper Strips sometimes known as fake bacon. For many new vegans, bacon is difficult to give up. Trust me after a while you will no longer crave anything but these yummy Crispy Spicy Rice Paper Strips.
In my first attempt at the strips, I followed the lively video from the Edgy Vegan @ the http://www.theedgyveg.com/ Check out her cool site. The second time I modified it a bit and I’m sure the third time I will change things up again. That’s half the fun of cooking.
One thing I know for sure these strips are amazing and I want more. I’m thinking of all the other things I could do with rice paper wraps, my mind is going a mile a minute.
I bet you can’t wait to get started……
Crispy Spicy Rice Paper Strips

Ok, what you are going to want to do is assemble all the parts and then put the whole thing together. Get some water on a plate, to moisten the rice paper, cut the rice paper into strips, make your marinade, preheat your oven, and get out some parchment paper and a basting brush. Then you are ready to start.
What you’ll need for your Crispy Spicy Rice Paper Strips Recipe
- A shallow plate with lukewarm water
- A big sheet of parchment paper
- A basting brush, scissors, bowl and whisk
- 8 – 10 sheets of rice paper (you can find them in the ethnic section of your local grocery store, about 50 to a package)
For the marinade to brush on the rice paper strips
- 2 T olive oil
- 2 T Bragg Soy Seasoning
Liquid Smoke – make sure its vegan. Great to add a smokey flavour to cheese, sauces and other dishes - 1 T Balsamic Vinegar
- 1 T Maple Syrup
- 1/4 – 1/2 t Liquid Smoke
- 1 T Sriracha Sauce (optional)
- 1/4 t garlic powder
- 1/4 t onion powder
- 3 T nutritional yeast
How to make the Crispy Spicy Rice Paper Strips Recipe
- Pre-heat the oven to 400°
- Place a large sheet of parchment paper on a work space
- Take your 8-10 sheets of rice paper and put the sheets in pairs. With your
Put two pieces of rice paper together and cut your rice papers into strips about 1.5 inch wide and as long as you can make them. I use scissors – them will not be perfect – that’s ok scissors carefully cut the dual sheets into matching pairs of strips, about the size of bacon strips or 1 inch wide and as long as you can make them. You are going to stick two pieces together, so its best if they are the same size.
- Once you have all the sheets cut into strips in pairs of two, take each pair and place in in the shallow pan with water. Make sure both strips are totally immersed in water. Let them sit for a few seconds, pick them out of the water and let the water drip off.
- When the excess water is gone, stick them together and place them on your parchment paper.
- Baste one side of the strips with the marinade and quickly turn it over and baste the other side. Lay flat on the parchment paper.
- Start at the top of your pan, you will make two rows and quickly repeat, soak, drip off, baste, lay it basted side down and flat on parchment paper. Repeat till all strips are on the paper.
The strips have been soaked and the matching pieces put together. Place them on the parchment paper – ready to be basted with the marinade - Baste a little more if needed. It will be a bit marbled.
Generously baste both sides of your strips with the marinade. They will take on a marbled look. - Place the parchment paper directly on the rack in your oven for best results. Quickly pick up each side and slide it onto the rack.
- Bake the strips for 6-7 minutes tops…be very careful it can go from perfect to burnt tasting in 30 seconds.
Nice and crispy, fresh from the oven. Remove from the parchment paper – to keep the crisp texture. They are sooooo ready to eat! - Remove from oven and serve up however your little heart desires. I made a BLT with Avocado. Of course I had a couple slices right out of the pan too. Perfection.

P.S. We liked it so much we made it all over again the next day.
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